There are seven colors in the rainbow and it always looks beautiful. Similarly, the design rainbow circle has seven colors in it which keep on rotating in a circular direction. Upon hovering an animation effect is added. In the markup of the design, the container class acts as the base of the design, and the circle is designed inside the container section.
Let's add CSS to the code. Box sizing element is used to provide width and height which includes padding and borders. The background is set to radial-gradient that creates an image of a progressive transition between two or more colors that radiate from an origin, giving it a circular shape. Further, it is a CSS transition value that changes the property value smoothly, over a given duration. The circular movement of the design is due to the animation property name spin that works for the duration of the 120 seconds, in a linear direction, and for an infinite duration. Further, the effect that occurs on hover is due to the box-shadow which is given value inset.
Use the code to give aesthetically pleasing designs to the website.